The Noble Companions

Usama ibn Zayd: The Beloved of the Prophet

Your father, the freed slave of the Prophet,
Your mother, the Prophet’s wet nurse,
And you, “Hibb Rasulillah” (the beloved of the Messenger of God)
What a beautiful family, what a beautiful child!
Raised under the guidance of the Prophet’s household.

Usama, truly worthy of his name,
Like the elders before him, a shining star
Just as the Prophet said,
You witnessed your father’s martyrdom, but it didn’t stop you
You served wholeheartedly for the sake of Allah.

You were fortunate to attend the Farewell Sermon
A great responsibility was bestowed upon you
When the Beloved Prophet passed away,
Together with Ali,
You washed his blessed body.

Nothing could stop you,
Neither your father’s nor the Prophet’s burial
You always found a way
To serve for the sake of God,
Doing everything you could with due diligence.

The four great Caliphs,
Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, and Ali (may Allah be pleased with them),
All kept their eyes on you
For the Prophet loved you,
After all, you were loved by his loved ones.