Culture February 2023 Yusuf Bayram

Sincerity according to Artificial Intelligence

ChatGPT is a prototype artificial intelligence chatbot developed by OpenAI, a research company specializing in artificial intelligence and dialogue systems. It was launched on November 30, 2022, and gained one million subscribers within two weeks.[1]

We asked ChatGPT to describe the concept of “sincerity” or “purity of intention” (ikhlas). Here is the response:

“Sincerity is being honest and sincere. It means not behaving like someone you are not. A sincere person is genuine in their thoughts, feelings, and actions and does not try to deceive or mislead others. Sincerity also involves being open and honest in communication and not hiding one’s true intentions or motivations. Sincerity is an important quality that needs to be developed in relationships and life in general because it helps build trust and establish deeper connections.

Sincerity is the quality of being honest and sincere in one’s actions and intentions. Pretending or deceiving is contrary to sincerity. Sincerity is often associated with honesty, integrity, and frankness, and is considered an important virtue in many cultures and societies. People who are sincere and genuine are trusted and respected because they do not engage in deceptive speech and actions in their communication and interactions with others.”

Regarding the importance of sincerity in Islam, ChatGPT provided the following text:

“Sincerity is considered a very important virtue in Islam. It means being genuine, honest, and truthful in one’s thoughts, words, and actions.

According to Islam, sincerity is essential for a person’s well-being and is of great significance in one’s relationship with God. God knows the true intentions of people and rewards those who are sincere in their beliefs.

Sincerity is also emphasized as a way to develop good relationships with others. It is believed that being sincere in interactions with others helps build trust and strengthens friendship and community bonds.

Sincerity is about being honest with oneself and others and acting with integrity and fairness in all aspects of life. Sincerity is an important virtue required to lead a meaningful life.

In Sufism, to have a pure intention, one should strive to abandon selfish motivations and carnal desires and instead act with selflessness and a pure heart that desires to serve in ways that are pleasing to God and beneficial to others. By purifying one’s intention in this way, a person can become closer to God with humility, compassion, and loyalty.”

Here is a short story written by ChatGPT about sincerity:

“Once upon a time, in a small village nestled among the rugged hills, there lived a young girl named Maria. Maria was known throughout the village as kind and sincere, always thinking of others’ well-being.

One day, the village was struck by a terrible storm that destroyed homes and left many people homeless. When Maria saw her friends and neighbors suffering, she felt deeply saddened and knew she had to do something to help.

Without hesitation, Maria opened her own home to those in need and provided them with warm shelter. She tirelessly worked to care for the displaced, cooking meals and making their stay as comfortable as possible.

As news of Maria’s generosity and sincerity spread throughout the village, more and more people came to her for help. No matter how busy or how great the need, Maria never hesitated to lend a hand.

In the end, what brought hope and healing to the village was Maria’s selfless kindness and sincerity.”[2]

These texts indicate that artificial intelligence is beginning to reflect the collective knowledge and cultural heritage of humanity. It remains to be seen what kind of results we will witness in the future.

Approximately 30 years ago, esteemed Fethullah Gülen Hodjaefendi made the following statement in one of his speeches: “In the future, they will mimic the functions of the brain, but it will not be possible to replicate the functions of the spirit.”

In the end, the essence of life and consciousness within the spirit, particularly the profound subtlety of the spiritual heart, cannot be replicated. However, if awakened spirits and enlightened hearts are involved in guiding algorithms, the outcomes have the potential to become more humane and trustworthy.

[1] “ChatGPT”,

[2] “ChatGPT: Optimizing Language Models for Dialogue”,