June 2024 Leyla Bayar The Noble Companions

Ali ibn Abu Talib: Symbol of Valor

Our beloved Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, wants to help Abu Talib, who struggles to support his large family due to the difficult conditions of the time. Fate decrees that the honorable Ali should be with our Prophet.

Coming to the Prophet’s home at the tender age of four or five, little Ali spends the next five years there. One day, he sees the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, and our esteemed mother Khadija, may God be pleased with her, praying together. After watching them in awe and asking what they were doing, the honorable Ali, at the age of 10, becomes acquainted with the true religion.

The education he receives from the Pride of Humanity shapes his character most accurately. He memorizes the verses he hears from him and becomes his disciple.

During the assassination attempt on our Prophet, the honorable Ali shows his readiness to sacrifice everything by lying in his bed to ensure his safe escape.

Unable to bear the separation any longer, he sets out on the journey. His feet became wounded. The Messenger of God receives him with tears in his eyes, caressing his hands and feet, praying for him.

The honorable Ali becomes one of the ten companions promised paradise. Our Prophet presents his sword, Zulfiqar, which he used himself, to the symbol of valor, the honorable Ali, as a gift.

By marrying the honorable Fatimah, he also becomes the son-in-law of our Prophet.

With the courage he displays in the battles he participates in, he becomes the Lion of the Battlefield. It is known that the honorable Ali enters the enemy soldiers like a lion among a herd of deer, attacking them alone and turning back repeatedly (Karrar: Someone who attacks repeatedly during war).

The honorable Ali fights not only with the enemy but also with his own ego.

The saying “There is no hero like Ali, no sword like Zulfiqar” becomes famous.

When our Prophet reunites with his Highest Companion, the honorable Ali is among those who wash his blessed body.

Later, he continues to strive in jihad following the footsteps of our three caliphs.

The honorable Fatimah, unable to bear the separation from our Prophet, is laid to rest by the honorable Ali.

It is his turn for the caliphate. The honorable Ali overcomes difficulties in a challenging period.

Severely wounded by a treacherous sword, the honorable Ali, on his deathbed, advises the honorable Hasan and Husayn, may God be pleased with them, with the following:

“My sons! I advise you to be conscious of God, always speak the truth, have compassion for orphans, rush to the aid of those in distress by performing good deeds for the Hereafter, be the opponent of the oppressor and always assist the oppressed. Act according to the Book of God and do not let anything prevent you from being on the path of God.”