Book Review June 2024 Young Çağlayan

The Cost of This Love

Harun Tokak, renowned for his books like Önden Giden Atlılar (The Horsemen Leading the Way), Işık Süvarileri (Light Cavalries) and Ben Mekke (I am Mecca), has released his latest book titled Bu Sevdanın Bedeli (The Cost of This Love) which has now reached readers.

This book, compiled from interviews with families who have endured forced migration but have forged a new life with determined patience and resilience, documents the sacrifices made for a cherished cause. It narrates the trials faced and significant events encountered during this journey, presented to readers in a literary and inspiring manner. After each interview in the book’s preparation phase, Harun Tokak reflects, expressing gratitude for the companionship on this journey.[1]

An excerpt from the book’s promotional material reads: “In each life story within this book, you’ll discover that not long ago, within a human lifespan, a dream once only reminisced by our ancestors in disappointment; the desire to shape the future is now a reality. You’ll engage in the formation of a new society in Turkey, amidst a time where the dream of earthly paradise has transformed into a nightmare. Through narratives of occasional sorrow but perpetual hope, you’ll witness immaculate truths necessary for the world’s future. As you delve into this book, you’ll encounter not just individual life stories, but tributaries merging into a grand river. And at the conclusion of each tale, you’ll ponder, ‘So, this is the price of such love!'”

Harun Tokak, Bu Sevdanın Bedeli, New Jersey: Süreyye Yayınları, 2024.

[1] “Bu Sevdanın Bedeli”,