January 2021 Numan Erciyes Science

The Rhythmic Movements in the Universe

The Earth completes its rotation around its axis in one day, and its rotation around the Sun in one year. The Solar System completes its orbit in the Milky Way galaxy in about 225 million years.

The pearl mullet (or Van fish) living in Lake Van starts to migrate in the opposite direction of the flow of the rivers pouring into the lake in the first week of June every year. It returns after laying its eggs in a sheltered place with little flow. Birds lay eggs, brood and migrate thousands of kilometers away at specific times every year..

Flowering and budding times of plants occur at certain times. Our heart beats rhythmically and a disorder in the rhythm can be a sign of serious diseases. Cells in living beings have a lifespan. The biological clock of the cells shows the time of their division and their death. Electrons around the nuclei of atoms, which are the center of creation in all living and inanimate beings, also move in a certain rhythm.

Like the wheels of a clock, everything is part of a larger system and obeys the same laws.