Hikmet Arar March 2021 Science

Fascinating Features of Iron

The iron atom, in terms of its nuclear structure, is the most stable element and therefore the most robust in terms of radioactivity. All other atoms are driven towards attaining the stability of the iron atom through radioactive reactions.

Scientists suggest that the iron on Earth originated from colossal stars in space during the formation of the planet. Heavy metals like iron are created in the extreme temperatures of several hundred million degrees found in stars much larger than the Sun. As a divine law, the temperature of approximately 15 million degrees in the Sun is not sufficient for the creation of iron atoms. When the amount of iron in star, known as supernovae, exceeds a certain threshold, the star can no longer sustain it and explodes. As a result of this explosion, celestial bodies containing iron disperse into space and wander until they are captured by the gravitational pull of another celestial object.

Another observation regarding iron is as follows: An average of 15 million tons of space dust descends to the Earth each year. The abundant iron atoms found in this dust serve as a vital source of nutrition for plankton in the oceans, which play a crucial role in the chain of life on Earth. Plankton are microscopic organisms that serve as food for living beings in the ocean. This dust represents a significant source of iron necessary for plankton to carry out photosynthesis.

In the Surah al-Hadid (Iron) of the Noble Qur’an, it is stated that iron possesses great strength in its nature and is bestowed as a significant blessing.

There are also some remarkable correlations related to iron. For instance, the 26th verse of this Surah mentions iron, which has a proton number of 26 (including Bismillahi’r-Rahmani’r-Rahim). Additionally, the word “hadid” has a numerical value of 26 according to the abjad numerals.

Iron, the second most abundant metal on Earth after aluminum, is a great blessing due to its ease of processing and ability to form alloys with other metals.