2021 December 2021 Poem Zeynep Gezer

Longing for a Farewell

The roads, a realm of metaphor opening to distant lands
The challenging and rugged bridge between arriving and being
Sometimes also a curtain opening to a serene haven
Roads; the yearning for existence
A herald of renewal,
Above all, a symbol of departures
At times, the yearning for distant places,
At times, the joy of reunion!

The roads exude scents; occasionally of reunion, often of hope and smiles,
Sometimes tears, sometimes dreams
Occasionally they smell most of longing
Breaths in the bag,
Flowers are laid on the paths of those with hope in their hearts
Rain accompanies sorrow
When you smile with hope, winter turns to spring

Lately, a desire to leave tugs at me,
The melody of distant places resonates within my heart,
There’s a current unfamiliarity these days
I want to reach the city of renewal
In the pains of a birth, it’s as if my dreams
In this agony…
I wish arriving wasn’t this enticing,
Or this difficult!
My desire for a farewell isn’t due to disloyalty to my love,
This city is the capital of my dreams,
Mine is just a longing for renewal!

In the clatter of a suitcase, my hopes
In the unknown longing of a farewell,
I’m in the capital of hopelessness and indifference,
On the delicate line between arriving and staying
Within me, a longing I can’t quench or articulate,
To reunite or to await reunion, I don’t know.
My thoughts are caught in a whirlpool of indecision these days
There’s only one desire in my heart; to renew…
To go and renew
To set sail from the capital of my dreams to the land of hope
I want to reach the valley of beauty

While I’ve been so immersed in my thoughts,
The warmth of a moment envelops my soul;
My heart beats like it did in my childhood
Next to the wood-burning stove scented of mandarins
I find myself trapped in this strange contradiction
In the flowing river of time, I understand
It’s me who yearns for myself
I am my own greatest obstacle!

Now, take a step, it’s time to embrace the beauty of reunion!
I’ve come to realize that a person should listen to themselves, their heart, the most
Hope is not in the transient world, but in the center of our hearts.
When you can’t reach yourself, all departures are in vain.
Is it the longing of a farewell?
It’s the yearning to detach from the world and return to the essence.