Hacer Keskin July 2023 Poem


To be sticky with candy,
To play shadow games in the stove’s flame,
To hop around in puddles,
To hurt yourself while playing blindfolded,
To cry looking at wedding photos, wondering why you’re not there,
To suddenly fall silent at the sight of chocolate while crying,
To run away when guests arrive,
To forget the fight you had with your friend,
To take the snowman home,
To eat the carrot nose when it melts,
To chase after the truck,
To get caught by dad while fooling around,
To get a piece of gum from the corner store and put it on credit,
To run home when the evening call to prayer sounds,
To collect the most candies during the holiday,
To trade the candies you’ve collected,
To observe a fast until noon!
To forget you were fasting,
To play house on the street,
To wake up the sleeping neighbor uncle,
To run away in fear when he appears at the window,
To excitedly fill your piggy bank,
To not resist breaking the piggy bank,
To love picnics very much,
To scare your friend with worms,
To hide behind grandpa,
To show remorse with innocent looks,
To lose yourself in dreams with a sweet smile,
To love without conditions,
To not know what lying is,
To experience your joy with enthusiastic excitement,
To carry your childlike heart into the future,
To be able to look at your child with the childlike part of your heart,
This is real life.