M. Fethullah Gülen Poem September 2023

The Music of Rain

Like smiles from beyond, the drops descend,
They wander, seeking the distant seas.

They resonate gently, like ud strings,
The breath of the earth is heard when it rains.

As if practicing a poem in a melodious way,
They glide like graceful white butterflies…

Always echoing with a musical rhythm in our ears,
One might think the skies had erupted, weeping over the plains.

Every drop bids farewell to its celestial abode,
Then merges with the vast ocean, its universe.

The dust and earth fall silent, attentively listening,
While gardens adorn themselves in yellow, green, and pink blooms.

Revitalized by the music of the rain, one by one,
Each drop seems akin to a descending angel.

Drops, intricate patterns that capture the eye,
In this magical harmony, glimpses of the beyond unfold.

The skies smile, showering smiles all around,
Everyone perceives this celestial poem.

At times, the vapor rises like mountains,
Seeking hues of green, blue, and orange on the ground…

The rain always descends with a unique delight,
Its essence sensed like the fragrance of Paradise, gently drifting.

Permeating every corner with a myriad of embracing fragrances,
The earth comes alive, and flowers stand tall…

A sweet comfort pervades the entirety of existence,
And a glimpse of the beyond is gently felt…