December 2023 Faith Zeynep Selma Güney

The Moment of Contemplation and Affection

Autumn has arrived in the city. The sky and the earth are calm. Leaves are gently falling, and raindrops trickle down. The sun no longer embraces the world as it used to. I open my eyes after a thoughtful night, greeted by a gray morning. I feel at peace. The world and its people have fallen silent. Now, the All-Wise Creator is exhibiting His masterpieces. It’s a spectacle; I’m captivated. It drowns out all the noise. I open my eyes to contemplation as much as possible. Raindrops carried by the wind on my window and the sun reflecting its rays as it stumbles. I harmonize with the exhibition outside, wearing clothes filled with tranquility. In the front window of the car, a priceless masterpiece welcomes me. I think I’ve been driving the car throughout the journey, but in reality, I’ve been engaged in contemplation. My tongue involuntarily starts reciting a dhikr.[1] I reach my destination, humming along.

This room, covered with glass from one end to the other, reminds me of the presence of a designer who managed to break free from the gloom of the walls; I feel delighted. I leave my rain-sprinkled jacket on the chair and hang my bag in the corner. Now I can continue my contemplation. My spirit, unrestrained by matter, suddenly gets caught in a storm of memories, and at that moment, I embark on a journey that seems independent of space and time, as if traveling with a spiritual Buraq (celestial steed). I travel back in time, miles away. When my body and spirit reunite, I wake up from my slumber, driven by the impulse of tears from the outside world. For a moment… Then I am entrusted back to the realm of matter.

The person I’ve been waiting for arrives, and we greet and embrace each other. We are the needy and powerless, seeking His pleasure everywhere; we are the destitute seeking Him everywhere. That’s why we greet each other in His Name and the name of His most beloved.

“Affection” is such a beautiful term, a moment when the lover’s words and feelings align with the beloved. If our intention is Him, may He be exalted with His pleasure, the door of conversation opens, imbued with the scent of freshly ground coffee beans, and we step inside. Coffee lovers form a community. A cup of coffee is the catalyst for unforgettable conversations. Coffee affects my body and spirit. If I don’t talk about it, I won’t be doing it justice. Thus, we got lost in its deep waters, opening up to the vast horizons of the sea of affection. When our intention is adorned with Him, we are carried away by a current toward Him.

These words, where “man” is a noun and “life” is a verb, become a sentence with “time.” Time links man to life and life to man. That’s why there can be no mention of a person or a life without discussing time. We have started discussing the “organization of time,” our shared struggle and shared blessing. How should we make use of the 24 hours entrusted to us? We need a balance centered on servitude because life is an art of moderation. Those who manage to stay away from excess and deficiency are fortunate.

With the tranquility that comes from identifying the problem, we start seeking solutions. As we open up, we approach the shores of tawakkul (reliance on God). God, may He be glorified and exalted, the remedy for every problem, grants the antidote to every ailment. We started this journey with contemplation, continued with affection, and now, we have reached the shore of safety with reliance on God.

[1] Recitation of one or some of God’s Names.