Faith February 2024 Zeynep Selma Güney

Showers of Mercy

The Earth is silent, seeds slumber deep below the ground. Flowers are unaware of themselves; they don’t know what it means to bloom, to become colorful. Everyone and everything seems to be holding their breath. The sun doesn’t warm, stars don’t twinkle, and flowers don’t bloom. The universe, like an oyster, can’t seem to open its shell; everyone and everything is unaware, holding their pearl within. The hour hand and minute hand of the clock are not chasing each other. Time has stopped, and living beings are quiet.

I wander around in a state of trance. I can’t make sense of this silence. Birds should be singing, rivers should be flowing, why is there this silence, I wonder. It’s as if everything’s place has shifted. Creatures like a body abandoned by its spirit.

I begin to search, trying to find meaning. As the universe darkens, I remember these words: Darkness as far as it can darken because the end of darkness is light.

Suddenly, my eyes are blinded. A beam of light shines into my narrowing eyes. A sacred gleam that dazzles my eyes, closer to me than the air. In an instant, faster than the blink of an eye, how can this beam have such a profound effect on time within me, in the world, and in the universe?

The sun’s rays reach the Earth; beams serving life. Stones split, delicate branches offer fruits with their hands to the honored guest of the Earth’s table. Colorful flowers, violets, corals, fuchsias, and many more… Each bird is a different instrument, each one a unique melody. All existence begins to take its place. The blurry picture becomes clear, and each object finds its place. A harmony is observed. It’s like the final piece of a jigsaw puzzle has fallen into place.

Mercy is pouring down at every moment. This gleam is a journey from Divine Unity to Divine Uniqueness. A heavenly mount that carries humans from the earthly realm to the heavens. A light that transforms the mortal into the eternal.

Joy and light surround everything. As I gaze at this light that dazzles my eyes, drops of compassion flow into the deserts of my dried-up heart. I am leaving behind this mourning-filled land. Showers of mercy are soaking me.