July 2021 Poem Sümeyra Emektar

Like a Human

My body, like a heavy cart, tugged by the day,
Silent letters spin in the midst.
In the ancient twilight, lost, perpetually following pains,
From audacious joy, you’re repeatedly torn!

May the audacity of words not regret,
If the honor of silence is what gives life!
But should poetry be the way if I cannot be a poet?

Once again, I abandon saying it with a crash,
I ache with a patchwork tongue,
It’s time to overcome the delusions,
Even if hope slips from your hand and lingers by your ear,
Then you’ll surpass your silence like a rainbow, stretching from end to end,
Each color becomes a coy emotion,
Do you know why a rainbow lacks black?
In it, there’s no darkness for the sky
And no place in the sky for darkness
Did you realize,
like a human!